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Caption: "West side of Greenwood avenue, looking north from Archer street. Third high building was the plant of the Tulsa Star where the negroes are said to have congregated with arms before their rally at the court house."

Caption: "East Side of Greenwood avenue, looking north from Arther street. This block formed the principle negro business district."

View of the riot district. The ruins of Dunbar Elementary School is center, with the smoldering ruins of the brick buildings at Greenwood and Archer on the upper right. Upper left is the ABC Construction buildings and the Midland tracks. The photo…

This image is shown twice - first, in the reversed image as it was actually published in the Tulsa Tribune, and in the correct aspect. The remains of the Stradford hotel are on the right, and the tracks heading up Greenwood Avenue.

Onlookers examining the burning of 511 N. Detroit Ave. (A.J. Smitherman) and 507 N. Detroit Ave. (R. T. Bridgewater). This photo is reproduced from a very poor quality microfilmed image.

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Taken from the southeast corner of the roof of Booker T. Washington High School, this panorama shows much of the damage within a day or so of the riot and the burning. The road running laterally through the center of the image is Greenwood Avenue,…

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Taken from the south side of Archer, the Williams and Woods buildings are still in ruins, but further north up the street, buildings have begun to be rebuilt.

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Reverend R. A. Whitaker was the pastor at Mount Zion Baptist Church, which had only recently been completed and paid for before the riot. The reasons for its burning are debated, but it was believed to have held a large weapons cache, and that there…
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